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Launches Aquanaut – New Low Frequency Ocean Bottom Node

August 28, 2023 geospace

Announcing 200 Days of Continuous Deepwater Seismic Survey Capability

Geospace Technologies (NASDAQ: GEOS) today announced the release of a new seismic acquisition product known as Aquanaut™, a continuous, cable-free, four-channel autonomous, deepwater ocean bottom recorder.

Featuring low frequency geophones, Aquanaut is the next generation node designed for extended duration ocean bottom seismic data acquisition. The nodes are ideally deployed as deep as 3,450 meters. The device continuously records for up to 200 days and offers more rapid recharging times. Each node features an internal heading sensor and uses all Geospace designed and manufactured sensor components including Deepender 5000-X hydrophone and three-component geophones. The built-in full resolution test generator offers users the added security of a fully functional recorder capable of low-frequency, high-fidelity data acquisition. The Aquanaut has a flat pad, which an ROV can use to lift the device and place it in position.

“We’ve built a solid reputation for reliably offering our customers what they need for marine surveys. With Aquanaut, we deliver an industry first 10 Hz omni directional geophone in a deepwater ocean bottom node. Unlike the other products on the market which typically offer 14 Hz omni directional geophones, our engineers responded to customer needs to lower the frequency of the geophones to extend the frequency bandwidth of the seismic data,” said Walter “Rick” Wheeler, president and CEO of Geospace Technologies. “We’re delighted to launch our new Aquanaut product offering at the International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy. With the success of our most recent slim profile shallow seabed node known as Mariner, we anticipate a great deal of enthusiasm around its deepwater counterpart during this conference.”

Aquanaut is fully compatible with the Geospace Equipment Manager (GEM) 4.0 Unified Interface, a proprietary software package of GeoUtilities, GeoReaper and GeoMerge, that incorporates the power of distributive computing, allowing a single operator interface to control the scalable data collection and delivery needs of any sized crew.

For more information on the Aquanaut product and its specifications, please visit the Aquanaut web page.

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