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First Break: Compact Phased Arrays for Microseismic Monitoring

April 11, 2022 geospace

In April, Quantum Technology Sciences, Inc. published a technical article on compact volumetric phased arrays. The article was written by the geophysics team at Quantum who drew heavily upon their tremendous experience in seismic data analytics resulting from decades of work with the U.S. Federal government.

Geospace and Quantum are so pleased to be members of the highly respected Carbon Management Canada Joint Industry Partnership. Through this partnership, the Company has deployed a series of SADAR® arrays at the Containment and Monitoring Institute’s carbon sequestration site near Calgary to validate this new monitoring technique’s ability to provide operational, valuable, and cost-effective solutions for ultimately managing gigatonne CO2 geologic sequestration.

The initial results of this compact volumetric array deployment suggest that effective subsurface monitoring may not require large channel count and wide aperture surface networks nor deep borehole seismometers. A reduced network footprint is more economical to deploy and maintain.

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